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Pre-Openning Special Discounted Sale for Select Interior Designers
Dolma Tibetan Carpet is inviting select Designer for a very special pre-opening discount on our new website. We require you to provide following credentials to avail this offer.
1. Current ASID/IIDA license
2. State Resale Certificate
When the above credentials are received by Dolma Tibetan Carpets, the following discount structure will be offered: Special sale price currently available only to ASID/IIDA license holder on this website, 10% additional discount on the sale price to first 25 responders.
The discount is extended for purchases made at one time, they are not cumulative.
The designer/resale customer receiving the discount MUST BE PRESENT at the time of purchase. However, the designer’s client may pay for the purchase using his/her own form of payment.
All purchases are subject to our current store return policy.